Tag results: corn seed

What depth is suitable for planting corn seeds?

Corn seed planting depth depends on environmental conditions and soil type. In general, a depth between 3 and 5 cm is recommended for planting corn seeds. However, it is always best to follow your local advice and guidance on seeding depth to get the best results.

What is the use of super absorbent polymers in agriculture?

Superabsorbent polymers are used in agriculture as a method to optimize irrigation and manage water resources. These polymers have the ability to absorb and retain water and can be added to soil to help delay evaporation and water infiltration. Also, these polymers can help farmers to manage their water resources more efficiently and reduce water consumption in droughts and dry weather conditions. Among other applications of superabsorbent polymers in agriculture, it can be mentioned that they are used in the production of hydroponic culture medium, maintaining soil moisture in gardens and fields, using in the organization of sprinkler systems, etc.

What is the importance of seed dimensions in the growth process of corn seedlings?

For the proper establishment of the corn plant, it should be noted that the seeds germinate and appear uniformly. It is clear that seed shape and size (seed grading) has nothing to do with germination, seed vigor or yield.

History of hybrid corn seed history

Hybrid corn or hybrid corns are modified varieties of common corn (Zea mays). Hybrid corn came into being through the history of science in the 1930s. In this decade, scientists and engineers were interested in combining two types of corn subspecies in order to improve the performance of this plant. One of the problems related to ordinary corn is its hardiness and lack of resistance to diseases and pests induced by soil and weather problems. By combining two different genetics of corn (both in terms of genetics and appearance), the produced children not only experience resistance to diseases and pests, but also improve the performance and life of this plant. Today, hybrid corn is used as one of the important products in the agricultural industry in many countries. This plant has been favored by farmers due to its ability to better tolerate different climatic conditions and high yield.

Application of superabsorbent polymers in agriculture

Today, natural strategies to protect the environment as well as the health of plants, animals and humans are considered one of the main goals of countries. Recently, the use of absorbent polymers and hydrogels in agriculture has shown many advantages for soil amendment.

Increasing the quality of produced corn silage

Fodder corn is one of the strategic inputs in the livestock industry. Several factors, including controllable managerial factors and uncontrollable environmental factors, affect the quality of fodder. Harvesting time has an effect on the quantitative and qualitative yield of corn silage.