Tag results: agricultural land

The importance of organic matter in agriculture and adding fertilizer to agricultural soil

According to the definition, any substance that has carbon in its molecules and originates from a living organism is called an organic substance. Organic materials act as materials that connect soil particles and the structure of soil grains, and the more it is, the better.

The necessity of irrigation before plowing the agricultural land

Plowing goals are realized when it is done at the right time and under the right conditions. One of the most important conditions for the successful implementation of plowing is that the soil moisture is good or favorable at the time of plowing. Based on this, if soil moisture is less than optimal for plowing, it should be irrigated first.

Types of operations before tilling agricultural land

Soil is one of the most important life-forming substances. Plants, animals and even humans are created from soil and their survival depends on soil. Accordingly, soil is extremely valuable. Let's be diligent in preserving the soil and respect the sanctity of the soil.

Drawing a sketch and measuring the area of agricultural land

A sketch is the approximate shape and condition of the earth that we draw by moving on the sides of the earth. The purpose of soil sampling is to prepare a sample that represents the general characteristics of the land in question. To prepare such a sample, the sampling points must be determined correctly. Determining these points is easier and better by drawing a cropland sketch.

Actions before plowing - determination of characteristics of agricultural land

Soil is a dynamic and natural substance that is located on the surface of the earth. Soil is formed by physical, chemical and biological factors from bedrock over time. Its properties have gradually changed and evolved as a result of the climate and living organisms and turned into an active and living mass. In order for the soil to be a suitable environment for the growth of plants, it should be strengthened or modified according to the desired type of plant, because the soil provides the main part of water, nutrients, and air needed by plants and is a place for the establishment and growth of plant roots.