Sugar beet pulp silage, what are its benefits and uses?

Sugar beet pulp silage, what are its benefits and uses?

javid keshtleyzeri

List of contents of this section:
What is the necessity of using sugar beet pulp silage?

What is the sugar beet plant?

What is liquid beet pulp?

What is compressed beet pomace?

What is the use of sugar beet plant, pulp and its silage?

What is sugar beet pulp packaging silage?

How is the production of silage packing sugar beet pomace?

What is the quality of sugar beet pulp packaging silage?

What are the advantages of using sugar beet pulp packaging silage?

What are the benefits and application of sugar beet pulp silage?

In the following, the above contents will be reviewed.

What is the necessity of using sugar beet pulp silage?

Over time, the sugar beet plant has become one of the main and important agricultural products around the world. One of the reasons for this issue is the widespread use of this plant in livestock feeding. The first successful commercial cultivation of sugar beet occurred in the United States in 1870. Since then, sugar beet cultivation has spread to about 26 US states.

In 1990, about 140,000 hectares of sugar beet were cultivated in 14 US states, indicating a high demand for this plant. The situation has been similar in other regions of the world. Russia is one of the main producers of sugar beet, and Poland, France, Germany and Turkey are also active in this field. One of the main uses of sugar beet is the production of sucrose (sugar), which is one of the important sources of nutrition for humans and animals. For this reason, the production of sucrose is very important for sugar factories in the United States. Sugar beet contains 13 to 22% sucrose.

Sugar beet pomace has a significant amount of fiber and is used as a food ingredient by large food industry companies around the world. Sugar beet pomace and molasses, as the most important byproducts of the sugar beet plant, are widely used in the production of animal feed. These food products can provide a lot of fiber to livestock and act as an attractive food for them.

After harvesting the sugar beets, cows and sheep can eat the remaining small sugar beets as their food. However, it should be noted that this may lead to animal suffocation due to ingestion of small sugar beets. The upper part of sugar beet, including leaves and stems, can also be used to produce silage. This part of sugar beet is beneficial with rich sources of protein, vitamin A and carbohydrates.

A combination of the upper part of sugar beet with other food can be simple and useful. The silage produced from this combination needs to be stored in the field before using sugar beet, so that the humidity of the plant reaches the appropriate level of 60-65%. This amount of humidity is very important for the production of suitable silage.

Using sugar beet pulp silage in agriculture has several advantages. First, this method can help maintain basic equipment such as machine feed and animal feed. Also, sugar beet pomace silage can have potential for environmental issues and access to bio-rich resources, such as palm pomace or animal waste.

In addition, the use of sugar beet pomace silage may help farmers, especially in areas with poor resource recycling, to reduce costs and meet the nutritional needs of their livestock. Finally, this method can help to improve the conditions of the local way of life especially for those interested in using new agricultural technologies and methods. Recently, my colleagues have not helped me with information about silage and the use of biological materials. But it seems that if you are a scientist, you can use good silage for plant growth and also to protect the environment.

What is the sugar beet plant?

Sugar beet plant is a forage plant that is used to produce sugar candy. Its scientific name is Beta vulgaris var. altissima This plant mainly grows in temperate and cold regions and has an urgent need for water. Sugar beet roots grow in a cylindrical shape and the sweetness of sugar is stored inside them.

Sugar beet is a plant rich in fiber and energy, which has been widely cultivated in many parts of the world, including Iran, in recent years. For the production of animal food, sugar beet is used as one of the most important centers. These foods can be suitable for animals such as cows, sheep, horses, pigs, etc. Also, food production from sugar beet is very important to provide feed for dairy systems.

Worldwide, about 89% of sugar beet roots are converted into sugar and sugar pomace. In general, from each ton of sugar beet, about 150 kg of sugar and 500 kg of pulp can be obtained. Of course, these values can be changed in different cases.

Because of its ability to absorb and process chlorine, light and carbon dioxide, the sugar beet plant is considered one of the stable and essential sources in the production of sugar sweets. This plant has many natural sugars and nutritional properties that we can exploit.

In addition to the use of sugar beet in the sugar industry, this plant is also used in human nutrition; It makes blood sugar ideal, helps to reduce blood pressure and strengthens the body's immune system.

Among the by-products of sugar beet, sugar pulp silage is a very important product needed to provide animal feed. Due to the high amount of fiber in it, consumption of sugar pulp silage is very useful for livestock.

The sugar beet plant is superior to other plants in terms of cultivation characteristics, resistance to water stress conditions, heat and salinity of agricultural waters. Also, due to its ability to adapt to polluted waters in terms of salinity, sugar beet can be used as

A plant should be used to provide agricultural irrigation and purify polluted water.

In general, sugar beet is one of the important and widely used crops, which is used as a source of natural sugar production as well as direct use in human nutrition and in various industries.

To produce sugar, sugar beet is first cleaned and then crushed. In this process, a liquid solution is extracted from sugar beet using hot water at a temperature of about 50-60 degrees Celsius. This liquid solution contains a lot of fiber and can be used in many ways.

What is liquid beet pulp?

Beet pulp (Wet Beet Pulp) is an organic substance that is obtained from the residues of sugar production in the sugar production process. This waste is used as a rich source of fiber and energy for livestock and poultry. Also, liquid beet pulp can be used in the production of biogas or compost, as an organic fertilizer. Due to its nutritious and cheap properties, this waste has been the focus of many farm owners and ranchers.

Beet pulp, which is obtained after extracting the beet pulp, has a range of about 10-15% dry matter. Due to storage and transportation limitations, the use of liquid beet pulp is usually limited to the digester itself. However, the use of high temperature water to summarize the sugar beet liquid can stimulate the growth of bacteria and lead to their overproduction.

What is compressed beet pomace?

Pressed beet pulp can be compressed and thus a large amount of water is removed from it, which increases its dry matter content by up to 20%. Pressed beet pomace is white or gray in color, which may vary due to oxidation and extraction method. Classification of sugar beet must be free of any type of fungus and acid smell at the time of delivery.

Another important point about compressed beet pomace is its lack of stickiness. Although compressed beet pomace is easy to handle, it is not suitable for proper storage like liquid beet pomace. If pressed beet pomace is not stored well, exposure to air, water, bacteria and fungi will destroy it quickly. This non-preserved waste should not be used as animal feed for 2-3 days.

If compressed beet pomace is stored in the right way and air penetration is prevented, it can be used for up to two weeks. However, the best way to store sugar beet pulp is ensiling and producing silage from it.

Compressed beet pomace is related to non-digestible residues in the sugar industry. This material is compressed like beet after the exploitation of beet sugar and is used for consumption in animal husbandry.

Compressed beet pomace is a good source of dietary fiber and energy used to fortify livestock and poultry diets. Also, this substance contains significant amounts of useful vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Among the other uses of compressed beet pomace, we can mention the use in animal nutrition industries, strengthening of other edibles, production of paper beans, making bacteria for dry vegetable production.

In general, compressed beet pomace is a cheap food source and has many uses in livestock and agriculture industry, which is effective in improving nutrition and production of livestock products.

What is sugar beet pulp packaging silage?

Sugar beet pomace packaging silage is a method of preserving and preserving sugar beet pomace, which is used in livestock farms and livestock feed. In this method, sugar beet pulp is compressed and placed in appropriate packages to prevent environmental pollution and spoilage. This method saves space and transportation and helps in long-term storage of sugar beet pomace. Using this method, it is possible to make sugar beet pulp available for a long time and use it as a cheap and rich source of energy for livestock.

For long-term storage, the pressed beet pomace should be ensiled. If ensiling is done correctly, beet silage produces sugar quickly. One of the most important aspects of ensiling compressed beet pulp is the cleanliness of the silo environment. Any kind of contamination can cause the loss of sugar beet pulp.

Another issue that is very important in this regard is the way in which the air is released from the compressed sugar beet pulp. It is a method that must completely remove the air from the slag. In these conditions, lactic fermentation occurs quickly and naturally.

With this method, very good and suitable silage can be produced in 30 days, which can be used for several months. The simplicity and speed of sugar beet silage production is one of the main reasons for its popularity.

What is the use of sugar beet plant, pomace and silage?

Sugar beet has been institutionalized in cultivation and production all over the world due to its many uses. In total, one ton of sugar beet roots can be expected to produce approximately 500 kg of pomace, which can be exploited for use in various categories. However, worldwide, sugar beet is not only used for this purpose. There are times when dried sugar beet is not used and instead, sugar beet pulp is used in liquid or condensed form.

In France, during 2002 and 2003, liquid beet pomace accounted for only less than 2.5% of sugar beet crops. In this period, the pressed pulp of beet covered approximately 23% of the production, and the dried sugar beet made up about 74.5%. Sugar beet pulp should be quickly and

be factory flour, so that it does not spoil quickly and remains suitable for use.

In 2013, Russia took the first place as the main producer of sugar beet with the production of about 35 million tons. The United States of America ranked second with the production of 29 million tons of sugar beet. Further, countries such as France, Germany, Turkey, Poland, Egypt, Great Britain, Ukraine and China can also be important for sugar beet production.

In the field of dried sugar beet producers, the five countries of France, Germany, Russia, America and Egypt constitute the majority of producers of this product, and in general, we can say that about 66% of the total production of dried sugar beet takes place through these countries. . However, according to 2017 statistics, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine and Iran are the leading countries in the classification of liquid sugar beet pulp producers.

The different applications of sugar beet plant and its pulp and silage are wide and varied. Below are several common uses of this plant:

1. Sugar production: The most important use of sugar beet is for sugar production. After harvesting the beet and extracting the sugar juice from it, this juice can be converted into sugar.

2. Production of bacterial milk: Sugar beet pulp can be used to produce bacterial milk. This bacterial milk may be used to produce products such as kefir, buttermilk and some types of cheese.

3. Use in animal husbandry: sugar beet silage is a cost-effective source of nutrition for animals. By crushing beets and processing them with other ingredients such as fodder and vegetables, it can be turned into a type of silage for livestock.

4. Application in agriculture: With the high importance of the amount of residues and organic matter in the soil, the use of sugar beet pulp is very valuable in densifying the soil structure and strengthening its physical and chemical properties.

5. Human nutrition: Some parts of sugar beet, such as roots and leaves, can be used in the preparation of foods such as salads and soups.

6. Pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries: Some substances in sugar beet, such as melanin, are used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

Also, research is being done for the potential of using sugar beet in the production of sustainable fuels such as biogas and bioelectricity.

How is the production of silage packing sugar beet pomace?

In order to produce sugar beet pulp silage, you must receive the pulp as quickly as possible from the factory. The reason for this importance of this issue is the rapid process of destruction of waste by air and bacteria. Compressed beet pulp should also have a pH of about 4.5 so that it can be used for silage. Another important thing in this regard is that it is necessary for this beet to be at a temperature of about 45 to 50 degrees Celsius during ensiling. Correct timing is very important in the stages of sugar beet pomace silage production.

If the temperature of compressed sugar beet pomace decreases, the risk of butyric acid contamination increases. When the pressed sugar beet pulp arrives at the silo, it needs to be quickly ensiled and this process is completed within 24 hours. It is very important to use a clean environment and tractor for silage work. Proper packaging also cannot be overlooked. One of the recommended methods for packing sugar beet pulp is to use two layers of plastic. This method allows us to be sure that air stays away from the silage.

When fermentation starts, the temperature should drop quickly. Proper ventilation of the silo plays a very important role in this process, and the size of the silo should not be too large. If the sugar beet pomace silage temperature is still too high after 3 weeks, the silage will become very sticky. This issue causes a significant decrease in the quality of sugar beet pulp silage. Opening the silo should be done carefully and cautiously to prevent the growth of fungi and harmful microorganisms.

In the United States, several experiments have shown that it is possible to put compressed beet pulp in silos with other materials such as dried beets or wheat. This can significantly improve sugar beet pomace silage. Adding corn, wheat or sugar beet waste to sugar beet pulp silage can increase the quality of this silage. One of the important issues in this case are carbohydrates, which can make a good amount of it in sugar beet pomace silage. The suitable humidity for these materials is about 65% to form silage well.

In general, the production process of sugar beet pulp silage is often done as follows:

1. Collecting sugar beet pulp: First you need to collect sugar beet pulp from the fields. At this stage, the waste is separated from the branches and leaves.

2. Crushing the scum: Then you have to crush the collected scum. You can use mechanical shredders or old shredders.

3. Particle size adjustment: To produce silage, usually the residues should be cut into uniform sizes. This may be done by straining or straining.

4. Compressing the scum: In this step, you need to compress the crushed scum. Compression devices or even spraying a strong laser can also be used.

5. Preservation of air and water: Then you have to place the compressed sludge in a sodium oleate environment to protect it from contact with air and to carry out the process of replacing oxygen with carbon dioxide.

After this process, the silage obtained from sugar beet pulp will be ready for storage and use in livestock farms.

Quality of silage packing of chagh slag

How is low sugar?

The quality of sugar beet pomace silage depends on several factors, including the type and quality of sugar beet, compliance with ensiling standards, storage conditions and performance of ensiling machinery. In general, to have a good quality silage, you must use fresh, healthy and unpolluted sugar beet and store and press the silage in optimal conditions.
Also, controlling the temperature and air humidity during the silage process and continuously monitoring the condition of the silage is also very important. By respecting these things and using experience and technical knowledge in the field of silage, you can produce high quality sugar beet pulp silage.

Sugar beet pulp silage is one of the best sources of nutrition for livestock. The reason for this can be the high amount of fiber in this silage. To have the right quality of sugar beet pomace silage, you need to pay attention to many things in this regard. The pH of sugar beet pulp silage should be around 3.5 to 3.7. Also, the silage temperature should be between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. Non-adhesion of silage is another important thing that should be taken into consideration.

Other things that are important in relation to the quality of sugar beet pulp silage are:

- The high amount of lactic acid (30 g/kg DM) indicates the proper production of lactobacillus.
- The limited amount of acetic acid (10-15 g/kg DM) indicates the appropriate quality of silage.
- A low amount of butyric acid may indicate the production of Clostridium, which reduces the quality of silage.
- Sugar beet pomace silage should be non-greasy and sticky.

What are the advantages of using sugar beet pulp packaging silage?

In the previous article, we examined the use of sugar beet pulp silage as animal feed and preventing its possible wastage. Now, in this section, we are going to examine the nutrients in this silage in more detail.

Sugar beet pulp silage

The title of the unit of measurement is average, minimum, maximum
Crude protein % DM 9.5 7.1 11.2
NDF % DM 50.5 39.9 54.6
Ether extract % DM 1.2 1 1.3
Ash % DM 8.5 4 15
Starch % DM 0.5 – –
Calcium g/kg DM 15.6 7.9 31
As shown in the table above, sugar beet pomace silage has a relatively high amount of crude protein. Also, this silage has a high amount of fiber, which is very useful for feeding livestock. On the other hand, this silage contains adequate amounts of calcium and other useful metals for livestock.

As it was said, in recent years, sugar beet cultivation has grown significantly due to its many applications and is considered one of the most important agricultural products in many countries. One of the main uses of sugar beet is to use it to produce silage. Sugar beet pomace silage can provide the different needs of livestock in a suitable way and help the fattening of livestock.

One of the important things in this field is the production time of sugar beet silage quickly. If the silage process is done correctly, it will only take about 30 days. Sugar beet pomace silage has a large amount of fiber, which is very useful for feeding livestock.

But, if sugar beet is not stored properly, it spoils quickly. One of the important issues in this regard is the use of compressed sugar beet pulp before ensiling. This pulp quickly deteriorates when exposed to air and should be used for making silage immediately after production. Otherwise, it will not last due to bacteria and contamination.

Iran is one of the largest producers of sugar beet pomace in the world, and for this reason, the production and consumption of sugar beet pomace silage in this country is very high.

What are the benefits and application of sugar beet pulp silage?

Sugar beet pulp prepared as silage has many uses in different industries. Sugar beet pulp silage is produced for use in animal husbandry, especially dairy cattle and beef cattle.

The advantages and applications of sugar beet pulp silage are:

1- Nutrition from sugar beet pulp increases the amount of feed in livestock and improves the efficiency of the animal's digestive system.

2- Increases milk production in dairy animals, and increases growth and weight in meat animals

3- Through the use of sugar beet pomace silage, it is possible to increase living profit.

4- The use of sugar beet pulp silage reduces food wastage and production waste.

Demiat, china, pani and insulating gas, as well as the right amount of nitrogen and soil nutrients that can be retained, are among the materials that are available in sugar beet pulp silage.

The most important feature of this feed is its volume and fiber, which is very significant for the horse family, and it is also necessary for deer and other animals that are edible and need to be fed in Avesta.

Is sugar beet pomace silage more useful than other silages?

Sugar beet pomace silage is actually a type of silage that is prepared from the remains of sugar residues before processing to produce sugar. This type of silage is the best option for animal feeding because it contains sugar residue.

Sugar beet pomace has a great advantage, which is that it can keep these foods fresh and usable for a long period of 15 months. Sugar is one of the highly perishable by-products that is produced at a certain time and is recycled as beet pulp. The presence of moisture, physical texture, low sugar content and material content in the pulp prevent it from being stored in silos, but they keep remarkably well in polyethylene bags and are usable fresh for livestock after a year or more. they will be. These characteristics allow the herdsmen more scum

buy at the time of production and save for their annual consumption. Usually, beet pulp is deposited in the machine for one to two months after the extraction of fodder corn.

In recent years, silage of pressed pulp has been re-examined. In these studies, keeping wet pulp in beggar silage for a long time showed that this method leads to a process with a very low percentage of waste and with cost savings. The results of these investigations showed that in Europe in the 2014 and 2014 crop years, the amount of sludge stored in silage tanks reached about one million tons. Slag is used with complete success in feeding ruminants. Scientists at the National Agricultural Institute Eden in Germany obtained the optimal amount of manure in feeding dairy cows with an average annual yield of 10,500 liters of milk.

The results of using sugar beet pulp silage in the diet show the following information:
- Similar performance in milk production
- The same amount of fat and protein in milk
- Absence of side effects and threats to animal health
- Reducing waste and corruption

The experimental feeding results show that up to 22 kg of silage can be included in the feeding ration for each high-yielding dairy cow. This amount is equal to 5 kg of dry matter per head per day. In this research, scientists managed to feed a food source with less dry matter and observed an improvement in dry matter consumption by using fresh sugar beet pomace. It is very important to pay attention to the costs in the obtained results and the cost of each type of feed is influential. The consumption costs of cereal seeds and fodder silage have been significantly reduced by using more pomace.

As a result, the use of more pulverized silage definitely helps to save animal feed, especially in high-yielding dairy cows, while having no negative effect on animal metabolism and health.