In a farm where the area under cultivation is medium or large, the product is harvested by special machines. Usually these cars are followed by tractors. Of course, there are also large self-propelled harvesting choppers, whose working speed is very high.
Choosing the right supplement for a pasture-based system is a complex decision. As well as balancing feed price and nutrient composition with animal nutritional requirements and likely financial benefits, farmers must also consider how the supplement fits into their whole farm system.
India is the largest producer of milk with 187.75 MT production ( Basic animal husbandry statistics, 2019). The average yield is about 1600 Kg/animal whereas the world average is about 2700 kg/animal. Israel and the USA are the leading countries with average yields of about 13000 and 10500 Kg/animal respectively. (UGAM FOUNDATION’S). The United States of America is the largest manufacturer of maize and contributes nearly 35 % of the total manufacture in the world and maize is the driver of the US economy. The USA has the peak productivity (> 9.6 t ha-1) which is double than the global average (4.92 t ha-1).Whereas, the average productivity in India is 2.43 t ha-1.Maize is native of America. It was introduced to India by Portuguese during 17th century.(