Mechanized harvest of grain with agricultural machinery

Mechanized harvest of grain-Types of combines

Javid Kesht Leyzeri Co.Ltd (Mardani Trading)

With more than 22,000 parts, the combine is one of the largest and most complex agricultural machines, and due to the existence of various mechanisms in it, the combine can be called a mobile factory. Today's combines are machines that are used in different conditions of the product and The field is used to harvest, thresh, separate and clean all the seeds. Their powerful engine can generate a lot of power to drive the machine in the most uneven fields and also provide the required power of their devices to harvest the products with high performance.

Mechanized grain harvester - combine

Mechanized grain harvester - combine

The name combine was popularized when picking and threshing, to which cleaning was later added, were performed in one complete machine.

Grain harvesting methods

Harvesting of grains such as wheat, barley, rice and grain corn is done in two multi-stage methods with different machines or one-stage method with a combine harvester. In phased grain harvesting, harvesting, gathering, threshing and separation of straw and seeds are done separately with special machines.

In the grain harvesting stage, reaper or mower binder machines are used.

A row harvester is a self-propelled machine, or tractor, that harvests the crop and then continuously places it on the stubble in the field to lose some of its moisture before harvesting. This machine is mostly used in cold regions or in regions where the weather is cloudy and humid at the time of harvest or have short summers. This machine is mostly used in rice harvesting operations in Iran.

 row Harvester and its use

 row Harvester and its use

The bunch harvester is similar to the self-propelled comb harvester, with the difference that, by means of the threading device attached to it, it collects and sorts the harvested grain in the same way that the clusters are facing upwards, and during the forward movement of the bunch on the He leaves the ground. This machine is mostly used to harvest wheat and barley.

bunch Harvester and its use

bunch Harvester and its use

All types of combines

Combines are divided into two general categories:

1- Self-rotating (self-propelled engine) in which both the necessary power to separate the seeds from plant residues and the driving force of the combine in the field are provided by the engine installed on the combine.

2- Tractionable (tractor) which is provided by pulling the combine in the field by the tractor, and the power required to separate the grain from the straw is provided by the tractor shaft (P.T.O). These combines require tractors with more than 80 horsepower to fully support their operations in the field.

Combines of the first type, i.e. self-propelled, are divided into two types:

A) Combines of flat land (with fixed axle) that these combines cannot be used in steeply sloping land. Different types of combines used in Iran are of this type, i.e. self-propelled combines with fixed axles. These combines are known as plain combine.

B) Slope land combines (with moving axle) that can be used in steep land. The wheels and axles of these combines are compatible with the slope lines on steep slopes, if the chassis and body are completely horizontal on the same sloping surface. These combines, which are also known as hill combines, need a lot of care and caution due to the complexity of the level surface (level hydraulic system) used in them.

In the next sections on the site, we will learn more about mechanized grain harvesters.