Hiller / Furrowers, Ridgers And Ground Hole Drill tractor auger machine

Hiller / Furrowers, Ridgers And Ground Hole Drill tractor auger machine


Hiller / Furrowers, Ridgers

These tools are designed to create a narrow planting furrow, OR, with “wings” in rear folded out, push soil further out to create ridges or perform hilling of crops. 

The Hiller/Furrower is an accessory to the tiller implement; it attaches with a single pin to the rear of the tiller and is used with the tiller tines working so it can sink into the soil.
The forward rotation of the tines helps to give extra “push” to offset the drag created by the tool. The hinged “wings” in the rear can be left folded IN to make a narrow planting furrow, or folded OUT in 6 incremental positions to push soil out for hilling and ridging. NOTE: Works best as a “hiller/ridger” when tractor is run in 2nd gear, as the higher velocity helps to “flip” the soil further out. 

Hiller / Furrowers, Ridgers

Ground Hole Drill tractor auger machine

Post hole Digger is a tool used to dig holes in the ground, for general purposes such as setting fence and sign posts or planting saplings. It actually consists of a rotating vertical metal rod with one or more blades attached at the lower part, that cut or scrape the soil.

Ground Hole Drill tractor auger machine

Auger drilling is a drilling method that uses a large helical shaped screw to extract material from the ground. When used for drilling, the auger drill bit screws into the soil and material is automatically moved up the shaft of the rotation device. There are many types of augers available today. Large, powered augers are typically used in the farming, construction, and utility industries.