Advantages of silage and fodder packaging

Advantages of forage silage - forage silage packaging

javid keshtleyzeri

In Iranian families, according to an old tradition, to prevent fruits and vegetables from spoiling, they keep them in vinegar for a long time. The reason why they don't spoil is because of the acidic properties of vinegar. When producing vinegar from fruits, their sugars are converted into sour and acidic substances called acetic acid as a result of fermentation, which is the sourness of vinegar.

Similarly, when forage is ensiled, the sugar in it turns into another sour and acidic material called lactic acid. To produce lactic acid, the fodder must be compressed a bit so that the air is completely removed. As a result of the production of lactic acid, the amount of acidity in the environment of the silage material increases, and in fact, its environment becomes acidic, which makes the product stay healthy and not spoil.

Fodder packing machine - fodder silage machine - fodder silage machine

What are the benefits of silage?

1- By using silage fodder, it is possible to give juicy, nutritious and uniform fodder to animals in all seasons, even in winter.

2- The nutritional value of silage fodder is maintained uniformly throughout the consumption period, and weather changes such as cold and heat do not affect it.

3- When feeding livestock, all parts of the silage forage are well consumed and nothing remains.

4. If forage silage is done in the right way, compared to drying, it has the least loss and waste.

5- You can easily use food supplements along with silage of fodder.

6- With the silage method, more fodder is stored in a certain space. In addition, the cost of building a silo is less than building a fodder warehouse.

7- The construction materials needed for silage are much less than fodder storage, and the speed and ease of construction of the silo is greater.

8- By making silage, it is possible to consume residues and vegetable remains and make animal food palatable.

9- Unlike dry fodder storage, there is no risk of loss of nutritional value due to heat in the storage and fire for silage fodder.

Fodder and fodder silage packaging machine

10- Cheaper fodder can be made by making silage.

11- For silage, it is possible to harvest the product earlier and save irrigation water consumption.

12- By choosing suitable plants for silage, more fodder can be produced.

13- If plants such as barley, sorghum, wheat and corn are harvested green and silage, 30 to 50% higher nutritional value per hectare can be obtained.

16- By ensiling green fodder, sufficient and healthy water that is present in the plant is used by livestock and it has a very good effect in milking.

15- All the food ingredients of the daily ration can be easily mixed with the silage fodder and prepare a good feed for the animals.

Considering the advantages of fodder silage, it is possible to have a higher quality in the production of livestock products. Further, by clicking on the image and the link below, you can view the images of the fodder silage and packaging machine:

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Loading, installation and operation of fodder packaging machine - special sale of fodder silage machine