Fodder silage and increasing the quality of green fodder silage

How to prepare quality fodder silage

javid keshtleyzeri

To prepare silage with high nutritional value, you must follow the points mentioned below:

1- Harvesting time is very important in increasing the quality of silage fodder. At the time of fodder harvesting, the dry matter of the plant should reach 30-35%. The best time to harvest fodder such as barley, sorghum and corn fodder is when the plant has gone to the ear and the seeds are in the pulp stage.

By consulting the agricultural experts of your local Jihad Agricultural Service Center, you can be sure of the best harvest time for your farm.

2- Before making silage, its length, width, and height should be calculated based on the number of livestock, cultivated area, and crop amount, and should be appropriate to the weather conditions of the region.

3- After harvesting the crop, you must quickly silage the fodder and pay attention to the correct principles of silage making.

4- When giving silage fodder to livestock, observe all health tips and principles of proper feeding of livestock.

5- To increase the quality of fodder, add additives to the silage mass according to the instructions of the experts.

What factors increase the quality of silage fodder?

1- The type of material used for silage is very important in the quality of the prepared fodder.

2- Choosing the best variety and using conscious and active management to produce a high-quality product has a great effect on increasing the quality of fodder.

3- The plant should be planted in an area with sufficient light intensity. If the light shines on the plant in the right amount, it causes more sugars to be produced. These sugars cause the silage food to increase.

4- The time of fodder harvesting is very important because if the fodder is harvested early, the sugar content of the product will be low and a suitable silage will not be produced from it. If the fodder is harvested late, the stems become woody and hard, in this case the nutritional value of the fodder is reduced and it causes the food to be digested in the animal's stomach later.

5- When making silage, you should make sure that the amount of moisture in the plant is sufficient.

6- Choosing the type of fodder for planting and silage is very important. Choose a plant for silage that is well crushed and has enough sugar content.

7- If the sugar content of the plant is low and its protein is high, the prepared silage will not be of good quality. If so, in order to create suitable conditions for fermentation, materials such as molasses, which has a lot of sugar, must be added to it.

Fodder silage - fodder packaging - fodder corn silage machine - corn fodder packaging machine

In plants such as fodder corn and sorghum, the ratio of protein to sugar is suitable. But alfalfa and clover have less sugar content and it is better to add sugar content to them.

Surely, by following the above points and using the things that have been planned, you can prepare high quality fodder silage to a very desirable extent, and by using the advice of experts in the agricultural jihad of your region, you can have better quality and better results in the preparation of silage.

In the following, you can click on the image or link below to view the images of different types of fodder packaging machines:

100 to 1200 kg fodder packing machine of Komel Turkey

100 to 1200 kg fodder packing machine of Komel Turkey