Replacing tractor engine oil filter

Replacing agricultural tractor engine oil filter

javid keshtleyzeri

Oil contamination reduces engine life more than any other factor. As the oil passes through the surfaces of the moving parts, soot and abrasive materials are separated from these surfaces and carried with the oil.

If we compare the lubrication system of the car engine to the circulatory system of the body, we can see that the engine oil filter in the lubrication system has a role similar to the role of the kidneys in the circulatory system of the body. The engine oil filter is responsible for absorbing impurities floating in the oil to prevent damage to the car engine. But filters can only do their job well for a certain period of time, and when the useful life of the filter is over, it must be replaced so as not to cause problems in the lubrication circuit.

It is recommended to change the tractor's filter at the same time as changing the oil.

Replacing the engine oil filter

Required materials and equipment: work clothes, cleaning cloth, suitable container for draining burnt oil, suitable wrench, fresh oil, new oil strainer
Activity description: To change the oil filter when changing the engine oil, after emptying the oil, do as follows:

1 Using the tractor service manual, determine the oil filter installation location.

2 Open the oil filter using a special tool (filter wrench).

3. To prevent the oil from spreading in the environment, place a suitable oil collection container under it.

4 To choose a new filter, refer to the tractor service manual.

5 Fill the strainer with oil.

6. For better sealing, the rubber gasket of the filter should be dipped in oil first.

7 Clean the place where the oil filter is installed.

8 Install the filter by hand.

Procedures for changing the oil filter

Procedures for changing the oil filter

Procedures for changing the oil filter

The old strainer cannot be reused. After opening the strainer, drain the oil in the waste oil collection area and place the strainer in the recyclable material collection area.