Replacing and adjusting tractor engine oil

Agricultural tractor engine oil change

javid keshtleyzeri

Required equipment: work clothes, cleaning cloth, suitable container for draining burnt oil, suitable wrench, fresh oil
Activity description:

1 Prepare the required tools and equipment.

2 Start the tractor to warm up the engine. After the tractor warms up, turn it off.

3 Place the tractor on a flat surface and place a container for draining the oil under the oil drain screw so that the oil does not spill on the ground.

4 Open the oil drain screw.

5 Wait until all the oil is drained, then close the oil drain screw in place after cleaning. Make sure the gasket is healthy.

6 Pour the oil approved by the engine manufacturer into the tank according to the amount specified in the manual according to the engine capacity.

7 After a few minutes, check the amount of oil using the dipstick.

Procedures for changing engine oil

Procedures for changing engine oil

Procedures for changing engine oil

Engine oil is a chemical substance. Be careful of contact with your hands and eyes. If the engine is too hot, the hot oil may burn you. In this case, wait for the engine temperature to decrease to normal.

Change the oil filter before starting the tractor.