Replacing tractor antifreeze solution

Replacing tractor antifreeze solution

javid keshtleyzeri

Required materials and equipment: work clothes, suitable container of antifreeze solution, antifreeze, single end wrench, water, funnel, cleaning cloth.
Activity description:

1 Start the engine and inspect the cooling system for leaks and repair if any.

2 Turn off the engine, place a suitable container with the volume of coolant under the radiator and open the drain screw.

3 Drain the cooling system and engine water and close the drain valves and screws.

4 Pour the prepared antifreeze solution into the radiator.

5. Anti-rust has anti-rust property and if a hole is blocked with sediment, it will open again and leak. Start the engine and fix it if there is a leak.

Procedures for replacing antifreeze

Avoid eating or inhaling antifreeze, and in case it is eaten by mistake, follow the medical instructions by showing its characteristics to the doctor.
Always keep the lid of the antifreeze container closed and out of the reach of children.
Always keep antifreeze in its original container.
Use appropriate clothing, gloves and goggles when working with antifreeze.
Avoid contact of antifreeze with eyes or skin.