Tractor engine cooling system

Adjustment and service of tractor engine cooling system

javid keshtleyzeri

The tractor engine has a cooling system whose function is to transfer the high heat of the combustion chamber to the outside of the engine and regulate its temperature. Its service and maintenance will increase the life of the engine.

How the cooling system works

How the cooling system works


Adjusting the tension of the propeller belt The propeller takes its rotational motion from the engine through a belt. The tension of the belt is usually visited at the place where the greatest distance between the two pulleys exists and is available. The displacement of the belt is about 6 to 25 mm in different tractors

Alternator belt tension adjustment screws

Alternator belt tension adjustment screws

After wearing the work clothes and getting the right tool (one ring wrench), proceed as follows.

1 Loosen the screw of the power generator adjustment arm.

2 Loosen the axial screw of the power generator.

3. Using the lever, change the position of the power generator to reach the appropriate tension. Then tighten the adjustment arm screws.

4 Check the tension of the belt.

Alternator belt tension adjustment steps

Alternator belt tension adjustment steps


Cleaning the radiator fins
  Due to the placement of the radiator in the front part of the tractor engine and the air suction by the propeller and the collision of dust with the radiator, foreign materials block the passage of air through the radiator blades and prevent the cooling of the engine water. To clean the fins, you must wash the radiator with pressurized water from the engine side to the outside.

Radiator with dirty grid

Radiator with dirty grid

Avoid opening the radiator cap when the engine is hot. Try to cool the engine by getting water on the radiator.

If necessary, to open the radiator door in very hot engines (boiling the radiator water), proceed as follows:
. The tractor must be turned on in all the steps below
1 Cool the radiator by getting water on it.
2 Place a piece of wet cloth on the radiator lid.
3. Using leather gloves, turn the radiator door half a turn to release the water vapor, then hold your body back, open the door completely and pull yourself back.
4 Then slowly pour water inside the radiator.

How to open the radiator door

How to open the radiator door

Prevent engine water from freezing
In cold winter weather, the pure water in the engine cooling system freezes and its expansion causes the radiator or engine to burst. To prevent damage to the engine, you should mix the right amount of antifreeze with the water in the cooling system.

Preparation of water and antifreeze solution
First, you should prepare the appropriate percentage of antifreeze solution according to the lowest possible temperature of the area at the coldest time of the day and night and the water capacity of the cooling system. This should be done according to the antifreeze usage instructions on the antifreeze can.

If there is no antifreeze in the engine and there is a possibility of freezing the water, after turning off the engine, the water in the engine and radiator can be emptied using the valve or drain screws.

